TOPICKS -舞台実績-

Creative japanese traditional dance show will done in the Sumo ring! It is a project with JR East Urban Development Corporation. At the “RYOGOKU EDO NOREN” is the mall located on next of Ryogoku Station, Creative japanese traditional dance show produced by Ukon Takafuji from YUMENOYA will be started! The first Stage will start at 5/27 (Sat) (About 18:00〜).
![Kawaii Oiran [Geisha] night](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/515ca5_ad30d9707a47461e872d9ea1ddf5d19b~mv2_d_3744_3744_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_980,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/515ca5_ad30d9707a47461e872d9ea1ddf5d19b~mv2_d_3744_3744_s_4_2.jpg)
The pioneer of the Harajuku Kawaii culture, the arts director of the Kyary pamyu pamyu's MV - Masuda Sebastian, under his support, my show is finally going to release. KAWAII MONSTER CAFE × JAPAN CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT YUMENOYA Produced by UKON TAKAFUJI Yumenoya Oiran Show "Kawaii Oiran Night"
![NEW YORK [America]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/515ca5_3ff9177794cf4b1f80995b837b0c51d3~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_653,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/515ca5_3ff9177794cf4b1f80995b837b0c51d3~mv2.png)
Ukon played the Lion dance with his brother at Central park as artist of traditional dance invited to Japan week. NYのセントラルパークにて催されるJAPAN WEEKに日本舞踊家として招かれ、孝藤右近は弟である孝藤左近と連獅子を披露しました。
![Munbai [India]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/515ca5_7cc957521c9c4cecb5fe6b05ae4da2b6~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_580,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/515ca5_7cc957521c9c4cecb5fe6b05ae4da2b6~mv2.jpg)
In Mumbai [India] he showed off three changes of "Oiran [Geisha] → Samurai → Lion" which is the one's favorite stunt. インドのムンバイにて孝藤右近十八番演目である花魁→侍→獅子の3変化を披露しました。
![Oregon [America]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/515ca5_be50abb26d514f6d86b6ce31bc783b37.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_701,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/515ca5_be50abb26d514f6d86b6ce31bc783b37.jpg)
Ukon invited to World Beat Festival had done at Oregon. And they played Lion dance. オレゴン州セーラムにて開催されたWorld Beat Festivalにて加賀百万石連獅子を披露。
![Hawaii [America]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/515ca5_9af1cd7a0f19437ca496bb953f5004f5~mv2_d_1932_1287_s_2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_653,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/515ca5_9af1cd7a0f19437ca496bb953f5004f5~mv2_d_1932_1287_s_2.png)
Ukon played the sword dance and samurai battle show with his students in Honolulu festival at Hawaii. 橘一刀流の生徒とともに、ハワイホノルルフェスティバルに参戦。剣舞と縦のショーステージを披露しました。
![Taipei [Taiwan]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/515ca5_93df8b9d019c4f46857d6ec7dc3ba564~mv2_d_8095_5570_s_4_2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_674,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/515ca5_93df8b9d019c4f46857d6ec7dc3ba564~mv2_d_8095_5570_s_4_2.png)
Takafuji dance company played to show stage on tourism festival between Taiwan and Japan. 第1回台日文化観光祭台北新舞台にて日本代表舞踊団として出演。

成田国際空港にて日本舞踊ショーステージを披露しました。テーマは源氏物語で、巨大スクリーンを活用したステージを披露した。 ゲスト出演に女優の二宮芽生さん、大田明奈さんを迎え実現しました。

Daikakuji is one of the Important Cultural Property and it has 1200years history. Takafuji dance company played the stage on this shrine as twin lions named Renjishi. 京都大覚寺にて創作日本舞踊ショーを披露いたしました。

We showed off the Japanese dance show stage at Narita International Airport. The theme was The Tale of Genji, showing off the stage utilizing the huge screen. It had possible to realized this stage with actress Meu Ninomiya and Akina Ota are guest appearance.

Ukon Takafuji played on the stage of Gajoen is loceted on Meguro in Tokyo. 目黒雅叙園にて諸外国大使に向けて創作日本舞踊ショーを披露いたしました。

Ukon Takafuji石川県立能楽堂にて二代目襲名式を披露。

ABOUT -孝藤右近について-
He is the second Leader of Takafuji creative Japanese traditional dance company that inherit the history for 80 years in Kanazawa. He has deveioped many stage in the world. There is a proven, such as New York, Hawaii, China and Taiwan.
He is also the founder of the "Tachibana Sword Dance Company" and KATANA exercise. There are based in Tokyo. Both were due to his experience of Japanese traditional dance and sword dance.
手掛けており、2016年に自身で設立したのが、創作日本舞踊団体 「JAPAN CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT 夢乃屋-YUMENOYA-」である。
2016.10 インド(ムンバイ)公演「SAMURAI & OIRAN SHOW」
2016.11 アメリカ(ニューヨーク)公演「豪華絢爛連獅子」
2016.12~2017.1 加賀屋カウントダウン&ニューイヤー公演「加賀百万石花魁道中/加賀百万石連獅子」
2017.3 成田国際空港公演「源氏物語」
2017.4 台湾(台北)公演「COOL JAPAN TV 開局記念イベント」
2017.4 KAWAII MONSTER CAFE定期公演「KAWAII花魁ナイトショー」
2017.5 JR-両国-江戸NOREN公演公演「SAMURAI & OIRAN SHOW」
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MEMBER - 所属アーティスト・クリエイター -

・JAPAN TRADITIONAL CULTURE ADVISER ・Second Leader of Takafuji Dance Company ・The Founder of Tachibana Sword Dance Company ・Chairmanship of Samurai workout 夢乃屋エンターテイメント代表取締役プロデューサー 創作日本舞踊孝藤流 二代目 創作剣舞橘一刀流 家元 刀エクササイズ創設・主宰

The Dance performance group of Oiran. The Oiran is highest rank who in courtesans of Yoshiwara brothel. In the mid-18th century, Yoshihara of apprentice and Shinzois called the sister prostitute as “Oiran”. In the mid-18th century, Yoshihara of apprentice and Shinzois called the sister prostitute as “Oiran”. This is the wake becoming the word to refer to the Yoshiwara’s high class courtesans.

Ukon created dance unit with a brother belonging in his dance company named "Ukon ☆ Sakon", sword dance and sword fighting performance team "SAMURAI6", sword dance group configured by only women named "AGE-HA", classic dance group "Team Okuni", and then he establish the dance organization "JAPAN TRADITIONAL ENTERTAINMENT YUMENOYA" centered around the OIRAN and sword dance performance in 2016. Created many stages by collaborating with club DJ and other performers.